How do you smoothie??

smoothies…there are a million ways to make them. to be completely honest i’d rather not be healthy and just make mine with sherbet and fruit and maybe some frozen yogurt. however i’m trying to be healthier and trying to get some of my green veggies and make sure i’m getting enough protein too. so this… Continue reading How do you smoothie??

Monday Madness: Volume 10

quote of the week: “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” – William Faulkner   “try to be better than yourself”. such a simple idea but so true. i think we often don’t see… Continue reading Monday Madness: Volume 10

life is fragile…say i love you

i had something else planned for the blog today. something peppy. something exciting for me…a little recap of awesome things from 2013. but this past week i’ve had a heavy heart and i’ve had heavy things on my mind.  when i sat down to do this blog post i just couldn’t seem to find the… Continue reading life is fragile…say i love you