the sky opened up and the snow came down. my disappointment with mother nature was at an all time high. i want spring. i want sunshine. i want warm weather! in an effort to have a fun snow day and to cheer myself up i decided to do a shout out on Facebook stating that anyone who wanted to have some snow portraits done just needed to show up at my house. i wasn’t sure i’d get any takers. but it was worth the 30 second effort.
what started as a very ugh day ended up being so much fun! i had so many wonderful smiling people come to my house for a few photos. now…meet the scanlons. the came over and brightened up my day with smiles and bright colors. it was only about a 5-10 minute photo session because it was cold and miss cutie there wasn’t sure she was into having her picture taken and into the snow. but we pulled it off!
i think perhaps i will start marketing the 10 minute photo session. no stress. just 10 minutes of fun!