I Believe In Love…






i’m a sap. a complete weepy sap. i cry over love songs, movies, commercials. i cry at weddings. i cry looking at pictures. i cry when i’m sad and i cry when i’m so overwhelmingly happy that i can’t hold it in. i feel deeply and i wear my heart on my sleeve. i believe in vulnerability. i believe in saying i love you. i believe in hugs and kisses. but most of all…i believe in love.

love for friends, pets, children, lovers, parents, places. love for human kind. love for poetry and art. love for whatever stirs your soul and makes you come alive.

love for all of these beautiful faces that touch my soul, that remind me i’m alive and that life is such a beautiful journey.


so while valentine’s day…may just be another day. i beg you to not let it go unnoticed. don’t be a nay sayer. don’t by into the unvalentine’s day attitude. don’t say it’s overrated.

instead…use today as the perfect excuse to reach out to those you love to say “i love you and i appreciate you”. use today as the perfect day to be a little vulnerable and sappy and wear your heart on your sleeve. use today to be grateful that you have the chance to live and love.

happy valentine’s day…may you believe in love…today…and always.



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