Getting Organized

i admit it…i’m not the most organized person. anyone who knows me well is going to laugh out loud at that statement! some would go as far as to say i’m very unorganized. and although i don’t believe that to be true…i could definitely use a lot more organization in my life. specifically… in my business. so one of my big goals for 2014 is to get the business organized.

welcome to my beautiful new emily ley planner.


isn’t she the prettiest little planner you’ve ever seen!!

now i’m keeping track of all of my scheduled meetings, consults, weddings, photo shoots, vacations, etc in one neat little planner. it offers a month at a glance page along with daily to do and planning pages. a bonus is that there are inspirational quotes  sprinkled throughout.  this organizing thing is difficult to start…but i know it’s going to pay off in the end.


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